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About Us

My Story & How I Started!

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I’ve watched dozens, if not hundreds of apocalyptic, end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it movies. Natural disasters, plagues, alien invasions, and animals running amok are among my favorite genres. I fell in love with zombies when I saw Night of the Living Dead in my formative, pre-teen years. Throw in a badass werewolf or charismatic vampire and I’m set! Joking aside, my interest in emergency management and prepping were an offshoot of my security management career. At work one day, I met a guy who was into search and rescue and that conversation set me on the road to emergency management.


I moved to Chicago in August of 2002 and the apartment building I lived in experienced frequent fire alarm activations, all of them false. One night the building was quickly evacuated, and I was standing on the sidewalk with nothing more than the clothes I was wearing. I knew in that instant that I had to do more to keep myself safe and ensure that I’d be able to quickly bounce back after adversity.  


My intention was to volunteer for the Chicago CERT, Community Emergency Response Team, but all the slots on the team had been filled. This led me to volunteer with the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago. The door quickly opened to working there as the project coordinator for a community outreach program. A buddy who worked there mentioned that one of the local college’s EMT classes were starting so I quickly enrolled and spent roughly thirteen years as an EMT.


I hold degrees in emergency management and public safety. I was an Adjunct Instructor in Homeland Security and Emergency Management at a local two-year college. I’m an avid outdoorsman, though I claim no expertise. I’m interested in learning orienteering, bush craft and wilderness survival. 


Hidden Cache Prepper is my vehicle for introducing everyday people to the world of prepping. I’m excited to share my knowledge and I’m really looking forward to building a community of preppers!

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